2014年3月11日 星期二

Past & Future - Uncanny Valley 陳心昊

我們給予木偶、機器人臉孔,有時看到卻會產生毛骨悚然、厭惡的感覺,人的感官是敏感的,看見人造的臉孔,做得越逼真,我們越能馬上發現不協調的地方,這種感覺稱為Uncanny Valley,像是身體在對我們發出什麼安全性的警告而產生的保護機制似的。



Uncanny Valley 恐怖谷理論 ( Wikipedia )


The uncanny valley is a hypothesis in the field of human aesthetics which holds that when human features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural human beings, it causes a response of revulsion among some human observers. Examples can be found in the fields of robotics, 3D computer animation,and in medical fields such as burn reconstruction, infectious diseases, neurological conditions, and plastic surgery.The "valley" refers to the dip in a graph of the comfort level of humans as subjects move toward a healthy, natural human likeness described in a function of a subject's aesthetic acceptability.

清大服務科學所碩二 陳心昊

