2018年11月20日 星期二

week 11. future archeology

What is Future Archeology?
Whet is speculative archaeology?

Towards a speculative archaeology

(1)"I focused on DeLanda and his version of Deleuze but I briefly brought up speculative realism and why this “movement” rejects “the linguistic turn”."
(2) "Preucel and Meskell (2006:14) suggest that the fuzzy concept of materiality “takes as its remit the exploration of the situated experiences of material life, the constitution of the object world and concomitantly its shaping of human experience”."
(3)"Most speculative realists therefore attempt to break with correlationism (not Meillassoux himself though since he wishes to radicalize correlationism from within). I am all in favour of diminishing the centrality of the human being in archaeology."

The way of the Shavel

題外話: (創造性的背離 creative betrayal by Franco Meregalli)

【叶嘉莹】从西方文论与中国诗学谈李商隐诗的诠释与接受 南开大学

1. What is the documentation film you want to present? What is you Archeology Plan and activity?
2. How to present speculative aesthetics of archaeology?
3.  how about speculative betrayal?


What evidence (in what style) do you want to present?


Case study:

Dunne and Raby, Designs for an Overpopulated Planet 

Project (step 1) Speculative Archaeology Plan: (in group)
1. Design your narrative scheme.
2. Plan your speculative archaeology activity, imaginative excavation (挖掘), and documentation.

Presentation: Dec. 5, 2018.

