2014年3月5日 星期三

矩陣潛襲相關資源 Android: Netrunner Resources


These are some resources for Android: Netrunner, the card game introduced in the class today.

官方網站 Official Websites:

Android: Netrunner Main Page on Fantasy Flight Games (English)


遊戲規則 Game Rules:

Android:Netrunner 遊戲介紹(駭客篇)

Android:Netrunner 遊戲介紹(企業篇)

卡片圖庫 Card Databases:

Android: Netrunner Full Card Spoiler on Cardgamedb (English)


線上對戰 Online Play:

Android:Netrunner on OCTGN (English)

最後還是要幫忙宣傳一下, 桌遊社的社課時間是每周一和周四的晚上6:30到9:30, 地點在社團大樓二樓會議室, 對矩陣潛襲或者是其他桌遊有興趣的都可以來玩喔!

 At last, I still have to do a bit of advertisement: the board game club meets at the meeting room on the second floor of the club building, between 6:30 to 9:30 PM each Monday and Thurday. If you're interested in Android: Netrunner or any other board games, you're all welcomed to come and play!

