2020年5月11日 星期一

week 11. experiential speculation & narrative from future

Experience sharing: Daily photos with Neuromancer texts

Experiential speculation v.s. Conceptual speculation

Stuart Candy and Jake Dunagan. 2017. Designing an experiential scenario: The People Who Vanished. Futures 86: 136–153.


UMK by Dunne


1. 未來與現在的人物關係描述
2. 錨點事件 (anchor event) 引入情境
3. what-if 規則造成的後果與危機
4. 解除危機的邀請與行動開展的召喚

Paper reading:
The poetics of design fictions
(the narrative diagram)

Extrapolation Diagram, by Chris Woebken (via About - The Extrapolation Factory)

PPPP by Dunne & Raby


1. What is the possible narrative scheme? Illustrate it with diagram (分組討論)
2. What are the anchors? objects, human, place, legend, or ritual?

Practice: a letter from future

Compose a letter from future where the anchor event has just happened.
This letter should sensitize the relationship between future and the present, inspire how to conduct a design research, and fictionize your roles and worlds.

