2023年4月29日 星期六

week 11. introduction to entanglement HCI


Entanglement HCI The Next Wave? (2019 TOCHI)

  mentioned research in our lab:

"Interview with Things": A First-thing Perspective to Understand the Scooter's Everyday Socio-material Network in Taiwan (2017 DIS)


Botanical Printer: An Exploration on Interaction Design with Plantness (2018 DIS)


Data Epics: Embarking on Literary Journeys of Home Internet of Things Data (2021 CHI)



by Superflux

by PSK Studio
1. 5/15 each team presents a proposal
2. related artifact, portfolios
3. available generative AI tools, and imaginative future AI tools
4. Narratives with time and possible worlds 

expected final project requirements:
1. A set of design fiction artifacts (props, documents, trans-media narratives)
2. Design fiction that present possible world with audio-related topics (sonic artifacts)

Final Due date: June 5, 2023

2023年4月22日 星期六

week 10. material speculation

1. Students present AI generated Neuromancer-entangled Taipei Scenes
  (1) identify the possible scenes, scenarios, (quotes) in the Neuromancer fiction
  (2) apply qualities of speculative aesthetics to the scene with proper prompts
  (3) generate and choose the scene
  (4) name it and cite the texts in the book

other Neuromancer related objects and scenarios:

William Gibson's Neuromancer: Concept Art

2. Paper reading: Material Speculation (AA'15)
3. Rung-Huei Liang. 2013. Pragmatist Poetics in Interaction Design. (IASDR 2013)

"Bachelard sets material imagination apart from formal imagination [2]. Rather than being conceived intellectually in formal imagination, material imagination is an idea that comes from contact with nature material, such as water and fire." p. 2524

  1. What are counterfactual artifacts?
       (containing an 'if'- clause that is contrary to fact)
      nonfunctional prototypes, storytelling props, fictional objects
  2. What is Possible World Theory?
  3. What is pragmatist speculation?
  4. What is formal speculation v.s. material speculation?

Final Project:
Design Fiction with AI 

2023年4月16日 星期日

week 9. design fiction (revisiting Neuromancer)

1. students present images of Neuromancer chap1, 2
2. What is Design Fiction?
    What is Prop?
    What is Diegetic Prototype?

Core77 2022 Speculative Design

The Solution Printer: Magic Realist Design Fiction

1. What are the differences between Design Fiction and Speculative Design?
    (clear fiction v.s. techno-poetic speculation)
2. Aesthetics of speculation: What if an an everyday object is a diegetic prototype of another possible world?

How about science fiction?

also see TEI 2017 student design challenge references:

Watching/Reading List
We encourage wild, obscure references to any kind of sci-fi media. Here’s some our favourite to get you started

      • Vermilion sands [JG Ballard] - Houses with memory, living fashion and sound jewellry.
      • Rainbows End [Vernor Vinge] - Augmented Reality, haptic feedback and silent messages.
      • Snow Crash [Neil Stephenson] - Virtual reality, physical augmentations.
      • Her [Spike Jonze] - computers as people, ubiquitous computing, super AI.
      • Matrix [The Wachowski Brothers] - simulated reality, downloading programs into the brain
      • Blade Runner [Ridley Scott] - Dystopian futures, Androids and AI, replication of beings.
      • Brainstorm [Douglas Trumbull] - physically experiencing somebody else's reality
      • Diamond Age [Neil Stephenson] - parenting from afar via evolving storytelling
      • Dune [Frank Herbert] - cognitive augmentation


觀察生活周遭, 拍照片表達對照的概念
   未來 vs. 過去, 推測的世界 (what we have the potential to become) vs. 現狀  (what we are) 
   都市場景, 交通工具, 廢墟/大樓, 生活用品, 信仰, 政治, 國際經濟, 權力, 社會制度, 家庭制    度, 教育, 身體, 運動, 休閒, 品牌, 符號, 文字, 自然環境, 物種....


Design fictions an introduction and provisional taxonomy

by Derek Hales

Part I : Chiba City Blues

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel."

第一部: 千葉市藍調



2023年4月9日 星期日

week 8. soundscape fiction project demo

1.  AI aided soundscape fiction demo

2. Introducing Part II Design Fiction

        Design Fiction

        Transmedia Narratives & Simulacra

        Material Speculation

EX5 (AI-generative Neuromancer Images)

1. generate Neuromancer related images (according to Chap. 1, 2)

2. generate Neuromancer-entangled Taipei scenarios

