2017年4月18日 星期二



1.手槍 (越南仿製華特PPK南美複製版)
   槍的握把是亮紅色塑膠,上面浮雕著龍,黑暗中可供拇指撫摸。」( p.29 / line 13)

2. 刺青 (三菱基因科技)
( p.19 / last line)

3. 巴西興奮劑
    扁平粉紅色八角形,向隆旗下女孩買來的強效版巴西興奮劑。」( p.15 / line 12)

反事實物件: (越南仿製華特PPK南美複製版)
    一具大型金屬螃蟹模樣的園丁,正在修竹。」( p.41 / line 3)

2017年4月17日 星期一

week 9. narrative from future


1. 未來與現在的人物關係描述
2. 錨點事件 (anchor event) 引入情境
3. what-if 規則造成的後果與危機
4. 解除危機的邀請與行動開展的召喚

Paper reading:
The poetics of design fictions
(the narrative diagram)

Extrapolation Diagram, by Chris Woebken (via About - The Extrapolation Factory)

PPPP by Dunne & Raby


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH_jm9_wm8I  (觸不到的戀人) 

  how about 你的名字? draw the narrative diagram.

1. What is the possible narrative scheme? Illustrate it with diagram (分組討論)
2. What are the anchors? objects, human, place, legend, or ritual?

Practice: a letter from future

Compose a letter from future where the anchor event has just happened.
This letter should sensitize the relationship between future and the present, inspire how to conduct a design research, and fictionize your roles and worlds.

2017年4月11日 星期二

week 8. design poem

Science Poem Manifesto by OK DO
Design notes on a lonely drone

Science fact -> science fiction -> science poem
Design fact -> design fiction -> design poem

scientist, engineer, designer (artist) ?

Feature film: Prometheus


Science fiction or religious fiction?

EX 4: Design Poems (Science Poems) project

1. Choose a science (or design) fact (artifacts).
2. Use the artifacts as material of Poems.
3. You can change the color, painting, material, ...... to composite a setting.
4. You may add poem or Heiku to your work.
5. Take lots of photographs and upload to the blog.

Deadlines:April, 26, 2017. Extended to May 3, 2017. Extended to May 10, 2017.