2017年3月28日 星期二
week 6. speculative aesthetics
1. speculative photo sharing
What are the possible qualities of speculative aesthetics? for example:
hidden truth,
object's viewpoint,
other unknown actor's viewpoint,
other species viewpoints
object's enjoyment (allure, emotion),
non-human (machine, AI)'s perspective,
strange object-to-object relationship,
Constructively identify at least 20 qualities by concluding classmates' sharing.
2. Speculative aesthetics
Speculative Aesthetics and Object-Oriented Inquiry (OOI),” by N. Katherine Hayles
Graham Harman: “Aesthetics as First Philosophy"
p. 159:
p. 167:
What are the possible qualities of speculative aesthetics? for example:
hidden truth,
object's viewpoint,
other unknown actor's viewpoint,
other species viewpoints
object's enjoyment (allure, emotion),
non-human (machine, AI)'s perspective,
strange object-to-object relationship,
Constructively identify at least 20 qualities by concluding classmates' sharing.
2. Speculative aesthetics
Speculative Aesthetics and Object-Oriented Inquiry (OOI),” by N. Katherine Hayles
Graham Harman: “Aesthetics as First Philosophy"
p. 159:
The essential move here is to identify aesthetics with “enjoyment” (Levinas’s term) or “allure” (Harman’s) so that the sensual qualities of objects in which other objects “bathe” is understood as an essentially aesthetic response. Thus aesthetics is generalised so that it applies not only to humans but to all objects, including inanimate ones.
p. 167:
Following Harman, Bogost accepts that “all objects recede interminably into themselves,” which implies that putting things “at the center of a new metaphysics also requires us to admit that they do not exist just for us.”p. 168:
"we never understand the alien experience, we only ever reach for it metaphorically.”p. 169:
"Where I begin to depart from Bogost and Harman is on the issue of how objects manifest themselves. Whereas they emphasise an object’s allure, the attraction it emanates for other objects, more important in my experience is the resistance objects offer to human manipulation and understanding"
"The difference between resistance and acquiescence is that acquiescence is always metaphoric, whereas resistance is decisive: “Whatever I am, I’m not that,” an object can respond to human probing."p. 178.
"I ended by arguing that the way to escape anthropocentrism is precisely through an imaginative projection into the worldviews of other objects and beings, based on evidence about their ways of being in the world,"
2017年3月23日 星期四
2017年3月21日 星期二
EX 2
speculative aesthetics around the life world:
請觀察生活周遭, 拍照片表達奇異的推測美感(aesthetics of speculation)、技術詩意(techno-poetic)、類平行世界、almost impossible reality。
請觀察生活周遭, 拍照片表達對照的概念
未來 vs. 過去
都市場景, 交通工具, 廢墟/大樓, 生活用品, 信仰, 政治, 國際經濟, 權力, 社會制度, 家庭制度, 教育, 身體, 運動, 休閒, 品牌, 符號, 文字, 自然環境, 物種....
week 5. possible world theory
continue Material Speculation reading
Possible worlds by Ryan
"three types of worlds can be defined as follows:
1. The possible worlds imagined and asserted by the author. These worlds correspond to all the states of the fabula.
2. The possible subworlds that are imagined, believed, wished, and so on by the characters of the fabula.
3. The possible worlds that, at every disjunction of probability, the Model Reader imagines, believes, wishes, and so on, and that further states of the fabula must either approve or disapprove."
if A then B exists.
1. A could be multiple
2. A comes from the author
3. A comes from the characters
4. A comes from the readers
Narratology: A Guide to the Theory of Narrative
choose a speculative photo
identify the multiple possible worlds (1)by the photographer (2) by the characters, objects (3) by the readers
illustrate them with circle, lines, texts, poems, quotes, haiku, on the photo.
Possible world could be based on the existing things, How about the future?
How to create possible worlds based on fictions?
What are the possible worlds and sub-worlds in Neuromancer for each character and each artifact?
2017年3月20日 星期一
EX2_M10512910 邱韋懷
2017年3月19日 星期日
2017年3月17日 星期五
2017年3月14日 星期二
week 4. material speculation
1. Student present EX1 photos.
2. Paper reading: Material Speculation (AA'15)
1. What are counterfactual artifacts?
(containing an 'if'- clause that is contrary to fact)
nonfunctional prototypes, storytelling props, fictional objects
2. What is Possible World Theory?
EX3: (April 5, 2017,, extended to April 12, 2017)
1. 尋找其中出現的物件,針對特別感興趣的三件做設計素描
2. 尋找其中出現"反事實物件" (counterfactual artifact) 一件,並做設計素描。
2017年3月7日 星期二
week 3. speculative design
Pecha kucha v2_rotterdam_2011 from bleeckerj
1. Discuss "Design fictions an introduction and provisional taxonomy" by Derek Hales
2. Practice "Poetics of design fictions" design process
What is "speculation"? What is speculative design? What is aesthetics of speculation?
"Speculative design: crafting the speculation" by James Auger
1. Discuss "Design fictions an introduction and provisional taxonomy" by Derek Hales
2. Practice "Poetics of design fictions" design process
What is "speculation"? What is speculative design? What is aesthetics of speculation?
"Speculative design: crafting the speculation" by James Auger
EX 2:
speculative aesthetics around the life world:
請觀察生活周遭, 拍照片表達奇異的推測美感(aesthetics of speculation)、技術詩意(techno-poetic)、類平行世界、almost impossible reality。
參考: Lynne Cohen, Lucinda Devlin, Mike Mandel and Larry Sultan
Lucinda Devlin's photos:
Lynne Cohen's artworks:
Larry Sultan's Untitled Evidence:
Deadline: 2017/March/22
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