2016年10月27日 星期四

week 6. crafting the speculation

1. student presentation of "future v.s past" Taipei photo
2. discussion of paper "Speculative design: crafting the speculation" by James Auger
3. group discussion on UMK project:

1. What are the different basic beliefs across different areas of Taipei (or Taiwan)?
2. What is the plausible speculation for each area in Taipei (or Taiwan)?

參考: "The Poetics of Design Fiction"
1. Complete the first 3 steps of design fiction process (writing, what if rules, world-making) based on "grocery store" event in Ghost in the Shell (II). (each student individually) Paper hand in, Nov. 4, 2016.
2. Choose an event in the scifi film "Ghost in the Shell" (攻殼機動隊) .
(present your own story writing (individually) and your design fiction on Nov. 11, 2015

2016年10月13日 星期四

week 4. speculative design

Pecha kucha v2_rotterdam_2011 from bleeckerj

1. Discuss "Design fictions an introduction and provisional taxonomy" by Derek Hales

2. Practice "Poetics of design fictions" design process

What is "speculation"? What is speculative design?

"Speculative design: crafting the speculation" by  James Auger

M. Malpass: "Between wit and reason: defining associative, speculative, and critical design in practice"

Case study:
1. Microsoft Hololens concept video

2. Google glass concept video

1. how about seeing these videos as design fiction or speculative design
2. what is the deference between speculative and anticipatory designs?
3. What are the characters?
    What are the objects, props,?
    What are the activities?
    Where is the camera behind video? 1st or 3rd person perspectives?
    What are the socio-technical implications?

What can we learn from 電腦線圈 (science fiction)

minority report?