2015年12月22日 星期二

week 15. research fiction


Research through design fiction: narrative in real and imaginary abstracts

  Write your own "research through design" fiction according to Blythe's proposal.

Final Project Discussion: (Next week, Dec. 29, 2015)
1. Propose your final project (transmedia project) according to the "Near Future Design" process"  (http://www.artisopensource.net/2013/10/28/near-future-design-the-perception-of-a-new-possible-and-a-new-role-for-design/)
2. "Ghost in the Shell" or "Neuromancer" scenarios are mostly welcome; also you can use any other scenario settings.
3. Your slide should include: Story setup, and Problem-space framing.
4.  Your final reports should include: (each group, complete version: Jan 13, 2015)

  • Define topic areas of interest
    • the output of this stage is a visual representation of the research domain, along with its extended documentation;
  • The Future World Map
    • the output of this stage is a visual map, a report and an extensive knowledge base, which can assume different forms, depending on the context and circumstances;
  • The Story Setup
    • its output is under the form of a narrative, expressed in visual and textual terms;
  • The Concept(s)
  • The Story Functions
    • the output of this stage consists of the list of kernel events for each story, as well as a diagrammatic representation of their relations and of the relations running among the different (and alternative) storylines that are being developed;
  • The Event Maps
    • the output of this stage is constituted by the Event Maps diagrams and by their documentation sets;
  • The Story Maps
    • the output of this stage is constituted by the sketches and by their documentation;
  • The Design Fictions
    • Simulacra
      • the objective of this phase is to create a simulacrum, a credible, possibly functional, “prototype from the near future” (a pre-totype), through product design and communication design, working across different media;
    • Transmedia Narratives
      • the output of the Design Fiction phase, thus, is constituted by a set of Transmedia Narratives implementing the simulacrum for the story

2015年12月15日 星期二

Mid-Term Project: Reproducing Earth Food Competition B10130009林易萱 M10310109陳令佳 M10310112鍾培成 M10310907陳力維

Mid-Term Project: Reproducing Earth Food Competition
B10130009 林易萱
M10310109 陳令佳
M10310112 鍾培成
M10310907 陳力維
The Story Behind Reproducing Earth Food
今年是西元2121年,火星紀元100年,也是火元一世紀。在火星居住的人類正準備慶祝這值得紀念的第一個火星世紀的到來。火星紀元1年,也是世界紀錄中第一個火星出生的地球人(Mars born Terran, MBT)的誕生。目前火星居住的人類以MBT為主,來自地球的少數移民為輔。
西元2020年,生物學家、NASA與俄國太空人合力將地球上近乎所有的生物基因庫裝載於方舟號太空梭,飛往火星正式啟動了殖民計畫,史稱方舟計畫(The Ark Project)
後世將方舟計畫產出的人工創世稱之為後火星紀元「Post Mars Era」;火星最適合成長也最主要的食物來源是由Snapple農產公司培育的蘋果,在Snapple公司CEO 兼創始人老甲波斯(Jops Senior)39年以來的努力下已經成為火星地球人最主要的食物。
火星已建立起適合地球生態系統的環境,為了紀念火星第一世紀與火星地球發展計畫的啟動,火星第八州俄屬總理 布丁(Pudding)緬懷遙遠的起源之地-地球的食物,舉辦了盛大的『再現地球食物』的科學計劃競賽,獲得地球方面的美國太空總署支持與火星農產公司Snapple現任CEO Jops Junior的贊助。布丁期望透過呈現人類歷史上曾經在地球上創造各式豐富多樣的飲食文化,讓現在的後地球火星人能重新了解那豐裕大地所養育出的結晶如何變成人類口慾之物,從感官撼動那曾為藍色之星子民的基因,使其不忘人類的根—地球。
MBT火星地球人對於這場『再現地球食物』參與非常熱烈,除了慶祝火元一世紀這個值得高興的時期以外,主要是Snapple公司的火星蘋果長久以來是火星唯一適合人類食用果實,MBTSnapple公司的蘋果發起了多次的拒買與抗爭,MBT也將Snapple蘋果稱作The Forbidden Fruit(意即據稱地球上的亞當與夏娃被蛇Snake所引誘所吃的智慧之果Apple,也被MBT們認為是Snapple公司命名之典故),應該要發展更適合火星地球人的食物。
Jops Junior贊助『再現地球食物』實際上是為了消弭與MBTSanpple公司間的衝突,並試圖找出更有經濟價值的食物r進行開發生產。


week 13. fictional ethnography demo

week 14. transmedia & near future design


"This is what we have defined as Near Future Design.
A performative dimension in which the observation of the state of the arts and technologies meets anthropological and ethnographical observation."
  • The Design Fictions
    • Simulacra
    • Transmedia Narratives "
    • the output of the Design Fiction phase, thus, is constituted by a set of Transmedia Narratives implementing the simulacrum for the story;
    • the Transmedia Narrative is a multi-modal storytelling technique which is able to move and combine the effects of multiple media, from physical objects, to websites, urban interventions and more."

"If, as suggested by Baudrillard, we were to simulate as closely as possible a fake holdup, we just would not be able to do it, because the people and, in general, the “machine”, the process through which people constantly interpret the reality they have around themwould not be able to distinguish the signals of what is real and fake/simulated."

Transmedia Narratives

a transmedia story represents the integration of entertainment experiences across a range of different media platforms
Henry Jenkins, 2007

Student presentation next week.

Final Project:

Transmedia narratives for design fictions.
Deadline: Jan. 13, 2016.



The language of new media