2014年6月22日 星期日

[Final] 機俠: Heros Ex Machina

You can find all of my notes at my RPOL forum.

m10215002 鄭期傑

(期末) METAL alien_ 陳敬恆 | 邱元貞 | 徐維聰 | 鄭群萌






2014年6月20日 星期五

Final - Apollo OS / 陳心昊

Apollo OS - We know you better than yourself

Apollo OS

Apollo 能偵測到身體器官所有的資訊,並進行整合,透過最完整的演算法,做最優化的管理。透過身體的運動建議、飲用水量、營養攝取管理,Apollo是你最好的健康顧問。

Nano Detector

Nano Detector是Apollo公司的人造微生物,可以偵測到實時的身體資訊,Nano Detector直接附著在人體的皮膚上,偵測各種身體諮詢如腦波、毛孔大小、皮膚含水量、脈搏、心跳,將資料直接傳送給Apollo OS。
市售的Nano Detector是以罐裝乳液的形式販售,Nano Detector附著在皮膚上的壽命大約為24-36小時,需要每天使用才能維持身體訊號的強度,讓Apollo提供最完整的解決方案。

Apollo Co.

該公司主要產品:Apollo OS / Nano Detector / 客製化器官

Apollo 是一間位在地底下1000km的公司,主要以複製人運作,公司文化以創新為主打,公司文化類似2014年的Google 。Apollo實際上是在「種植」器官,透過Apollo系統監控複製人,收到器官訂單時再將複製人的器官取下。

主角 Sam / RD of Apollo Co.

Sam為Apollo 公司員工,複製人,公司讓複製人相信外面的世界已經進入冰河時期,複製人為「倖存者」,他們需要開發出讓人類更適應冰冷環境的DNA。但該技術實際上目前被用於器官運送。

Apollo OS - Sam的一天

Final - Ghata vs. MicroApple / designed by 劉知潔 陳柏英 陳漢

 【 Video 】

 【 Poster 】

 【 Tickets 】

 【 Timeline 】

 【 Postcards 】

【 Wallpaper 】

 【 Logo 】

【 Persona 】


Slides / Pictures / Video / Persona / Artifacts

( 期末 ) 奧多比之死 Adobe's Dead _劉宥佳、徐笙洋、王柏皓、林浩翔


 Time Line

  • 第一階段 2013 - 2018

    • adobe
      • adobe CC 上架
      • Adobe 申請併購 autodesk 集團,成為一個巨大的跨國際商業組織,擁有多項軟體專利,其商業授權軟體包含了設計、影視、娛樂、印刷、網路多媒體,幾近壟斷了整個產業
      • 開發硬體授權
      • 研發出專利材質"釔化銀",製作硬體設備 
      • 硬體綁定軟體 媒體稱Adobe帝國時代來臨
    • 商業組織
      • apple 旗下的手持裝置與系統,由 flash 開始,逐步封殺 adobe 的軟體產出物
    • 各國政府
      • 美國政府與歐洲亞洲開始反托拉斯調查,為2012友達光電、奇美電、樂金的面板壟斷案之後,史上最大宗、跨國際的商業壟斷調查案。

    • 民間
      • 樂見硬體授權,最適能硬體環境被捧為使用者經驗的關鍵。
  • 第二階段 - 軟硬體巨人 2019 - 2029

    • adobe
      • 一邊滅火一邊繼續進行硬體結合 逐漸擴張
    • 商業組織
      • Asus、Nvidia 推出結合釔化銀的硬體裝置,宣稱針對adobe其下軟體優化,而adobe CC的商業授權也逐漸轉為軟硬體的雙面授權機制。
      • 商用攝影機 Red Cam 於新型號的電影攝影機中置入 adobe 影像處理軟件,
    • 各國政府
      • 美國:在參議院的干涉之下,反托拉斯官司判決失敗
      • 北歐聯盟正式宣布於網路軟體產業脫離歐盟自治,斯德哥爾摩禁令正式執行。
      • 台灣:透過比較有智慧的政客,推出反授權的方案
    • 民間
      • 越來越多抗議的聲浪
      • 軟體解放陣線 ( software freedom front, S.F.F ) 成立
  • 第三階段 - 黑暗期 2029 - 2035

    • 民間
      • 軟體解放陣線 ( S.F.F )開發出針對釔化銀的人造合成病毒,並於美國好萊塢、中國北京影視特區、印度寶萊塢同時釋放、電影產業由後期製作公司開始,快速癱瘓
      • 全世界的電腦只要含有adobe硬體,都會失控,這些硬體會讓電腦失能、膨脹,放出有毒的瓦斯讓人死亡,各地民眾開始恐慌。
    • Adobe
      • 發表聲明譴責S.F.F. 行為,形容其 " 如同現代蓋達組織再現 " " 綁架人民的娛樂權力 " 
      • 試圖以硬體補救方式破解病毒,但病毒迭代更新程度太快 ( 傳言背後有白帽駭客與生物學家做支援 ),以致全面崩潰。
    • 各國政府
      • 韓國:為避免境內電腦硬體全面崩潰,實施 " 分區隔離政策 " ,試圖減緩病毒蔓延速度。
      • 美國:自美國加州產生第一起中毒而死的案例以來,整個娛樂產業發動罷工,一時民情激憤,當時美國總統克萊兒為其背後民主黨強行通過的數大爭議法案道歉。
    • 商業組織:
      • Samsung 與 Sony 兩大娛樂巨人不斷以抹黑、DDS攻擊、針對性病毒碼試圖癱瘓逐漸取而代之的各式軟體。
      • 據稱駭客團體 Anomymous 全體動員,為當時小眾、人力不足的開源軟體開發團隊阻擋各式惡意攻擊
      • nVidia 與 Intel 美西產線受損,非洲產線停擺,短時間內所有硬體廠商停止推出新品; apple 、IBM、 google 的開源伺服器架構無損,股價於一年內飛漲。
  • 第四階段 - 開源軟體全面勝利 2035 

    • Adobe
      • adobe 總公司不堪經營壓力,宣告熄燈
    • 各國政府
      • 美國眾議院麥基翁議員,大力支持商業授權軟體的法案,遭爆料受到遊說、收受贓款,接受聯邦調查。
    • 民間
      • 各個不同來源的開源軟體崛起,迅速取代原有adobe系列的功能,其不約而同的在圖示的右下角置入 " 倒A " 為旗號。
    • 商業組織:
      • GOOGLE 於ADOBE公司熄燈後十年,推出了紀念的DOODLE


Slide Show

Story map


(期末) COITUS - 鄭宇婷, 李雅涵, 邱琦, 陳怡安, Nicolò Buzzaccaro

2050. A Huge sexual virus caused the dead of half the earth population. The disease is almost unfightable since it's not showing any symptoms until after two years people get it. Thanks to that human population is living in the fear of having sexual relationship with their partners.

In the meantime technology evolved from now, in particular the Brain Science made big steps forward, now we are able to recreate any feeling just with the right impulses to specific areas of the brain. Moreover, nowadays it's much easier to create a perfect virtual 3D model of anybody just with few pictures.

In the 2055 CoITus was established. It's a virtual company with not just the aim of making sex safer for everyone. But also with the goal of giving the possibility to have sexual relationships with an infinite number of partners and with whoever people wants. In the 2088 they have been able to produce the perfect service that is solving all these problems.

Their product is really easy to use. First you need to search pictures of the partner you want to have sex with, after finding few of them the user is uploading it to the program which is automatically recreating a perfect and imperialistic 3D model of the human. Once finished the first step the client is attaching two stickers in a precise area of the neck. They are brain stimulator, people just need to close their eyes and they will feel exactly the same experience as having a sexual relationship with the person they chose.





COITUS 解救全球飢渴,


2089年 | COITUS_YOUNG 的建立
Enjoy your days & Enjoy your meals。

2090年,COITUS 提供的服務除了在家享用外,另開出如同過去KTV的娛樂包廂,
(詳細可閱ppt 服務流程)

COITUS 的宣傳海報

2080 - 2090年 | 在未來這些「性」解放的年代

Of course this invention shocked the world in many ways. At first some people felt their intimate privacy in huge risk and they started to delete every single picture of them in the social networks. Moreover, they started to wear dresses that cover almost every part of the body, in order to make impossible for anyone to reproduce their model. On the other side other people felt impossible to preserve their nudity without compromising their freedom and happiness and they started to walk around naked, without hiding their body anymore.

But this invention had a big impact also in the human interactions. People started to search for a partner just for the intellectual qualities, because now sex it's seen just as a sport or a hobby. Couple are lasting longer but the downside is that children now are born mostly in vitro.

It's not clear yet if this new technology had more positive or more negative consequences, but definitely the impact that had in the everyday life of the people is something never experienced before in the human history.


備註:網友替 COITUS 私自上傳一部廣告,講述性將成為一種全新的運動。 

COITUS 的歷史檔案



期末-Fictions Design Final-D10210102

期末-Fictions Design Final-D10210102

EX7 research design fiction 鄭宇婷

We present criminal-like characteristics as a speculative interactivity model for future products that could be more speculative, prejudicial and challengeable.
We investigated this issue by designing XD-10269,
a criminal-like interactive Water Dispenser.

Criminals' emotional and behavioral characteristics were applied to a product concept in the design development process.

The main features of XD-10269 include
i) emotional expression of anxiety through stealing something(making harm to) from people,
ii) On and Off interface are simulate with people's fear of criminal, and
iii) continuous dynamic interaction for long term product attachment.

Preliminary evaluation has showed that users perceive XD-10269 to be alive and to support prejudicial and speculative interaction.
This research provides a new perspective on the development of complex and intelligent products,

and this model can be used as a design method for considering different social class and associated characteristics.

2014年6月10日 星期二

week 16. preparing final exhibition

Final project details:
time: 2014/June/18
place: RB 4F

Each group should present the following items:

0. presentation slides structure according to http://designfictions2013.blogspot.tw/2014/05/week-14-research-fiction.html

1. Poster (movie style)
    abstract of 200 words
2. Hi-resolution Photos of artifacts
3. Videos (or trailers)
4. Character setting (naming, nationality,...)
5. others, logo, flag, magazine...

Please upload to the blog for sharing.

2014年5月27日 星期二

week 14. research fiction


Research through design fiction: narrative in real and imaginary abstracts

  Write your own "research through design" fiction according to Blythe's proposal.

Final Project Discussion: (Next week, June 4, 2014)
1. Propose your final project (transmedia project) according to the "Near Future Design" process"  (http://www.artisopensource.net/2013/10/28/near-future-design-the-perception-of-a-new-possible-and-a-new-role-for-design/)
2. "Ghost in the Shell" or "Old man's war" scenarios are mostly welcome; also you can use any other scenario settings.
3. Your slide should include: Story setup, and Problem-space framing.
4.  Your final reports should include: (each group, complete version: June 18, 2014)

  • Define topic areas of interest
    • the output of this stage is a visual representation of the research domain, along with its extended documentation;
  • The Future World Map
    • the output of this stage is a visual map, a report and an extensive knowledge base, which can assume different forms, depending on the context and circumstances;
  • The Story Setup
    • its output is under the form of a narrative, expressed in visual and textual terms;
  • The Concept(s)
  • The Story Functions
    • the output of this stage consists of the list of kernel events for each story, as well as a diagrammatic representation of their relations and of the relations running among the different (and alternative) storylines that are being developed;
  • The Event Maps
    • the output of this stage is constituted by the Event Maps diagrams and by their documentation sets;
  • The Story Maps
    • the output of this stage is constituted by the sketches and by their documentation;
  • The Design Fictions
    • Simulacra
      • the objective of this phase is to create a simulacrum, a credible, possibly functional, “prototype from the near future” (a pre-totype), through product design and communication design, working across different media;
    • Transmedia Narratives
      • the output of the Design Fiction phase, thus, is constituted by a set of Transmedia Narratives implementing the simulacrum for the story

2014年5月20日 星期二

week 13. transmedia & near future design


"This is what we have defined as Near Future Design.
A performative dimension in which the observation of the state of the arts and technologies meets anthropological and ethnographical observation."
  • The Design Fictions
    • Simulacra
    • Transmedia Narratives "
    • the output of the Design Fiction phase, thus, is constituted by a set of Transmedia Narratives implementing the simulacrum for the story;
    • the Transmedia Narrative is a multi-modal storytelling technique which is able to move and combine the effects of multiple media, from physical objects, to websites, urban interventions and more."

"If, as suggested by Baudrillard, we were to simulate as closely as possible a fake holdup, we just would not be able to do it, because the people and, in general, the “machine”, the process through which people constantly interpret the reality they have around themwould not be able to distinguish the signals of what is real and fake/simulated."

Transmedia Narratives

a transmedia story represents the integration of entertainment experiences across a range of different media platforms
Henry Jenkins, 2007