2020年5月25日 星期一

week 13. introduction to entanglement HCI

1. students present (Neumancer texts + photos) entanglements

Entanglement HCI The Next Wave? (2019 TOCHI)



by Superflux

by PSK Studio






Neuromancer-Entanglement Project proposal:
1. find brands, products, devices, et al. in Neuromancer
2. find everyday objects (or create new models) and make speculative entanglement with items in 1.
3. Cite texts,  micro-scenarios, in Neuromancer
4. Plan time-space narratives for exhibition

Due date: June 10th, 2020

2020年5月18日 星期一

week 12. Neuromancer Photo+Text workshop

workshop : neuromancer texts cards + personal photos

Project 2. Entanglement of Sci-fi & everyday
1. work out at least 3 photos with meaningful Neuromancer texts
2. For each photo+text, complete a short story telling (for example, narratives from the future, the poetics of design fiction)
3. upload 3 short fictions to Google drive (deadline: 5/27, 2020)

2020年5月11日 星期一

week 11. experiential speculation & narrative from future

Experience sharing: Daily photos with Neuromancer texts

Experiential speculation v.s. Conceptual speculation

Stuart Candy and Jake Dunagan. 2017. Designing an experiential scenario: The People Who Vanished. Futures 86: 136–153.


UMK by Dunne


1. 未來與現在的人物關係描述
2. 錨點事件 (anchor event) 引入情境
3. what-if 規則造成的後果與危機
4. 解除危機的邀請與行動開展的召喚

Paper reading:
The poetics of design fictions
(the narrative diagram)

Extrapolation Diagram, by Chris Woebken (via About - The Extrapolation Factory)

PPPP by Dunne & Raby


1. What is the possible narrative scheme? Illustrate it with diagram (分組討論)
2. What are the anchors? objects, human, place, legend, or ritual?

Practice: a letter from future

Compose a letter from future where the anchor event has just happened.
This letter should sensitize the relationship between future and the present, inspire how to conduct a design research, and fictionize your roles and worlds.

2020年5月5日 星期二

week 10. material speculation

1. Students practice transforming everyday objects into speculative artifacts in Neuromancer
  (1) identify the possible object in the Neuromancer fiction
  (2) apply one quality of speculative aesthetics to the object (remove details, reduce colors, simplify shapes, blur functions, ...) to get close to the fictional artifacts.
  (3) sketch the fictional artifact
  (4) name it and cite the texts in the book

William Gibson's Neuromancer: Concept Art

2. Paper reading: Material Speculation (AA'15)
3. Rung-Huei Liang. 2013. Pragmatist Poetics in Interaction Design. (IASDR 2013)

"Bachelard sets material imagination apart from formal imagination [2]. Rather than being conceived intellectually in formal imagination, material imagination is an idea that comes from contact with nature material, such as water and fire." p. 2524

  1. What are counterfactual artifacts?
       (containing an 'if'- clause that is contrary to fact)
      nonfunctional prototypes, storytelling props, fictional objects
  2. What is Possible World Theory?
  3. What is pragmatist speculation?
  4. What is formal speculation v.s. material speculation?

This weekend:
  upload at least 5 everyday photos (in FB, IG, Flickr,...) to the google drive for workshop preparation.
Deadline: 2020, 5, 10. 23:59